Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Love and Marriage

In 5 Days Joe and I will be celebrating 6 months as a married couple. WOW! 
Time sure does fly.  
Joe and I actually celebrated a little bit early, we went over to the Mona Lisa Fondue Restaurant and had a nice romantic dinner.

 Here is a quick Rap up of the last few months!
We Rocked Out as Zombie Amy Winehouse and just a good old Zombie!

We took a little trip to Vail! Where I attended a conference for school counselors and Joe enjoyed snowboarding. 

Spent some quality time with all the family :)

So now its the New Year!
2011 was Amazing!! I married an awesome man the love of my life, adopted a pound puppy, lost and gained a new job, opened a business, spent a week in Italia, and gained some new perspective. Life is good.
We spent New Years Eve at home, playing card games and made breakfast with the Perez's on the 1st.
I can't believe that In less than a month I'll be 26! Maybe I can convince the hubs to get me a Silhouette Cameo!!!??!?!?! hmmmmmm

1 comment:

  1. If you get I Silhouette Cameo, I might just steal it. Not joking.....



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