Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Reflecting on my hbac 5days later: what I learned

It's been a five days since baby K was born (what!?!) and I have had time to not only write the hbac story (a few days ago) but to now reflect on it and my entire experience. I have learned sooo much from those 15 hrs and these last 5 days. 

The short list:
1.The human body is truly AMAZING. 
2. We are BLESSED to remember only our strength during childbirth.
3. Our Children ARE worth it.
4. A birth team who know your heart are important

Let me explain.
It's strange to look at this baby in my arms and know that he was inside me! That I grew this tiny human and somehow he was born through MY body. WHAT?!?!? It's AMAZING what our body's can do. We birth these babies (God willing) and when it's all over our body snaps right back IMMEDIATLY. The pressure/pain or whatever your experience disappears and all that is left is a tiny bit of soreness for a couple days. Again, AMAZING. No matter what we THINK during the process out bones do not break and our body's do not split in half! So... Basically: Thanks for being awesome body.

Further, If your are like me, you know that today you can taste a food you haven't had in years if you just imagine it. But what blessing that I CANNOT feel what I felt during labor no matter how hard I try (why try Though really?). I can remember HOW I felt, (tired, frustrated, excited) but not WHAT I felt. The agony I wrote of days ago... Doesn't even exist in my head anymore. And if I wrote that story today I might even tell it differently. :)

Babies are special. You don't really know love until you have a child and that love expands your love for everyone, your husband your parents and yourself. So 5 days later Ivan say that I think, yes, natural labor, even in my experience was TOTALLY worth it :) lol

If I had chosen a different support network, midwife, doula, husband(haha) they may not have pushed me the way they did. Lovingly and with INTENTION. Anyone else may have put me in te car took me to The hospital and the result could have been epidural, stalled labor and a csection again. Or a epidural with a successfull vbac. But in the end when I imagine how I would have felt after that, I would have been sad. Dispointed in myself for giving up so close to the end and possibly depressed once again about the birth of my baby. But I can happily look at everyone I hated during that couple of hours on that seemingly long day and thank them!  I LOVE YOU ALL!  

In the end my point is this, children are worth it, labor is worth it. It's one day of your life- one day that can change your life, your view of the world, and your view of yourself. It did for me:) 

I have never ever wanted more than 2 children but if I did- 5 days later, I can honestly say that... I would do it all the same all over again. 

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